Ukraine Fundraising
A recent effort sponsored by Rockview Older Adults Club, was an overwhelming success. Thanks to the efforts of many and the generosity of our tenants we are able to make a huge donation to the Ukrainian Centre for supplies badly needed in the sad situation these innocent people have been trust into.
The fund raising was spear headed by Mary Michasiw, Marilyn Sauvé and Gail Kelly, three of our most dedicated volunteers and we are so lucky to reap their efforts.
The spaghetti dinner that will be delivered by her band of elves to over 90 apartments, is one of the most ambitious endeavours Mary and her crew have taken on to date, kudos to the group for their devotion to such a heart rendering cause.
I feel so fortunate to live in a very caring and generous building, always stepping up to the plate to answer any cause.
Watch the bulletin boards for a financial report on the final amount the was raised by donations, 50/50 draw and dinner proceeds, at the moment that amount is $6000
Congratulations to the 50/50 winner Joanne Hall.
Barb.Petkovich- Pres. ROAC
Preparing for the draw
All the tickets sold!
Drawing the winning ticket!
And the winner is......
And the amount is....
Always working and preparing
Never a moment to rest.....
The first two deliveries leaving
Still preparing the food near the end!
Our happy results, Thank you everyone