A supper was prepared for the adults from Rockview Tower Older Adult Club by two amazing ladies, Mary Michasiw and Marilyn Sauve....
A note of thanks and appreciation.
Members of Rockview Social Club were treated to a full dinner to commemorate Chinese New Year and it was a sell out crowd that enjoyed the many varied selections.
Kudos to Mary Michasiw and Marilyn Sauve, our resident chefs for a delicious fare. Also, a big thank you to the many helpers who who stepped up and volunteered for this event.
It was obviously a great undertaking to serve up such an extensive meal with the small cooking facilities they have to work with, but as Mary always does, it was a total success, judging by the positive feedback and the laughter heard throughout the evening.
Thanks again for making us aware how lucky we all are to reside in such a caring and fun place.
Many thanks to Doreen Murphy for help with the photos......
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